The story of the handpan, which is also known as the Hang drum or the Pantam, is one of tremendous creativity and the blending of cultures. Although still new and modern in design, the conception of the handpan has its origin in the mid-twentieth century pertaining to the steelpan of Trinidad and Tobago. Below is a rich elaboration of the development of these instruments and the methods applied in the selection process.

Early Beginnings: Steelpan Influence
The setting of the story was Trinidad and Tobago in the 1930s when abandoned oil barrels were fashioned into musical instruments, most especially steelpans. These instruments, which were developed to the highest standards by such masters as Ellie Mannette, stood out from the others due to their timbre and, thus, became an essential element of Caribbean music.
The further evolution of steelpan was accompanied by harmonic tuning where extra harmonics (octave and compound fifth) were introduced to each note and which have formed the modern, rich sounds both of steelpans and modern handpans.
McFerrin acknowledges the birth of the Hang which he has developed from an idea into a drum he can play.
The Hang, the steelpan’s direct successor, was unveiled in 2000 by PANArt, a Swiss company owned by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer. The Hang incorporates several qualities of other conventional instruments, such as the Indonesian gamelan as well as the Indian ghatam. The Hang was introduced to the public at the Musikmesse Frankfurt in 2001 and had a specific look with a central “ding” and seven to eight-tone fields.
Because of the Hang’s holy and resonant sound, it became popular very quickly. This prolonged and careful production process of PANArt, as well as the fact that the instrument was only made in very small numbers, only served to enhance the Romantic notion of the instrument. People seeking to own the Hang had to compose a letter manually with a design on why they needed the set, and it could take months or even years to get a reply.
Evolution and Diversification
More people learned about it, and with the increase in demand and due to the small-scale production of PANArt Handpan, other people started to create similar instruments, resulting in the calling of the term ‘Handpan’ in 2007 by Kyle Cox of Pantheon Steel. It is a term referring to all non-machine played, steel instruments similar to the Hang.
The handpan community began to grow quickly, and hundreds of manufacturers from all over the world were creating new styles, tuning patterns, and types of steel. Thus additional notes were added, the layout of tone fields was changed and improved, and high-quality tuning was employed for raising the possibilities of the instrument’s melody and accompaniment.
The growth of the pantam may be attributed to different factors, which include;
Pantam is the local Hebrew term that is under the same family of Handpan and Hang drum but points out the geographical variations in terms used for the same musical instruments. The Pantam can be regarded as popular in the handpan subculture and is a regular member of handpan Goyangs.
Selecting the Right Hang Drum for You
How to choose the right Hang drum (or handpan or Pantam) depends on what kind of sound and music you like, your experience, and your pocket. Below is a helpful guide on how to go about choosing in case you are stuck.
Understanding the Instrument
Structure and Sound: Handpans, as their name suggests, are handmade steel alloys consisting of two hemispherical bowls bonded together with epoxy; the top shell has spun steel tone fields. These commodities are made of metal, and each one has at least one central note, known as the ding, with another circular seven notes. The bottom shell generally has a slit known as the Gu, and it assists with resonance. Every handpan is indeed built with a particular scale, thus reducing the challenge that is often posed by bad notes on the music tool. When selecting some tools, beginners are usually faced with the challenge of how to play the wrong note, but with this handpan, the tones are all good.
Materials: Handpans of the pioneers were made of nitrided steel, as they are more rust resistant and create a better sound. Contemporary handpans are also made of stainless steel and any other custom alloy that makes them more resilient and high-sounding.
Determining Your Needs
Musical Style: What kind of music do you want to make sure certainly has the room for all these styles or whatever kind of music you want to create? Each type of music can be played with handpans, ranging from meditative and ambient to more dynamically intensive ones. Select an appropriate scale for the piece of music you’re writing: major for happy and cheerful music, minor for sad and contemplative, and exotic for ethical music.
Skill Level: While choosing your handpan, do not overcomplicate it if you are a first-timer; go with one that has slightly fewer notes (8-9) at most. For instance, as you gain more experience, you may need more notes and, a different variety of scales of the instrument, and so on.
Budget: Handpans are handmade instruments and may, therefore, cost a pretty sum of money, which may be in the range of $1000 to $3000 or more. Bear in mind the financial situation you are in, and remember that the quality may be reflected in the price. Better sound and durability of a handpan are achieved when an individual acquires a quality handpan from a qualified manufacturer.
Trying Before You Buy
If you can, play as many handpans as you can before you decide to buy one for yourself. By holding and touching different musical instruments, you will be in a position to tell the kind of response they produce, their pitch, and even the way they can be played, among other factors. If applying in person is impossible, search for videos and listen to tunings of the instruments you are going to try.
Choosing a Reputable Maker
Research: It is recommended to look for handpan makers that have good reputations. Search for reviews, go to handpan communities and discussions, and get advice from other handpan players. It was so iconic by respected designers such as Isthmus Instruments, Pantheon Steel, and others who are familiar with their work.
Customization: As for customization, some makers provide the ability to select the scale, the material, and the design that is suitable for you. Time to talk to the makers, pose questions, and get some recommendations on how to make a good choice.
Avoiding Scams: It is advisable not to take them from unknown sources or second-hand sources. Make sure the instrument is not damaged and is correctly tuned if it is to be used in the performance. Purchasing from a maker directly is normally safer because it is accompanied by the assurance of the instrument’s originality and quality.
The handpan, Hang drum, and Pantam originated from the advancement of the steelpan, developed with a solid historical background. These evolutions led to the formation of many types of makers and players who all contributed to the further development of the instrument. Selecting a Hang drum requires the following factors into consideration: the type of music that you intend to play, mastery or dexterity, and above all, your pocket; choosing the right maker of Hang drum is critical to getting the right Hang drum. In any case, the handpan is a musical instrument that will give everyone a lot of fun and incredible emotions from the first minutes of using it.