The ethereal music of handpans and Hang drums has stolen the hearts of musicians, whilst a cult following have formed around this mystical class on instruments globally. The instruments sharing the common steel construction and resulting ethereal tones, but with some obvious differences that make each instrument unique from one another. This knowledge of these differences is essential for any person who wishes to buy a handpan or a Hang drum. In the following guide you can read about where they come from, how are built and what do both instruments sound like + some tips on purchasing them.

Origins and Evolution
Hang Drum
The Hang drum, or more commonly just called the "Hang", first came to being in 2000 by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer who are both from PANArt Switzerland. The word 'Hang' is taken from the Bernese German "hang" and means hand. It is based on numerous traditional percussion instruments such as the Trinidad steelpan, Indian ghatam or Indonesian gamelan. They aimed to design a novel instrument that incorporated the best qualities of these ancestral sounds.
A form of development in the handpanRoughly translated, the Hang drum gave way to evolve into its current shape which is now known as a HandPan. Following the introduction of the Hang, other instrument makers began to produce these types of instruments. These instruments were soon labeled "handpans" to get around the trademark rules surrounding Hang. The word handpan refers to a broad family of instruments from many different makers, all with their own methods for building and tuning these unique drums.
Construction and Design
Hang Drum Construction
A Hang drum has a bottom side (the Ding) and a top shell with hollow metal bumps, kind of like half-spheres. The top shell, or "Ding," is a central note surrounded by one to seven tone-field that collectively are tuned to pentatonic scales. Helmholz Resonator (The hole in the bottom shell -"Gu") The Hang has a special construction design that gives off related overtones along with plenty of rich resonance.
Handpan Construction
The Hang drum was purchased and previously produced by the PANArt company, Handpans have a similar design but generally are made with different materials. The majority of handpans are crafted from nitrided, stainless or multiple layers of treated steels. Typically, the top shell has a central tone and several partial fields whereas there will be an elastic port in the bottom shell. Unlike the Hang, some of which can be tuned to a variety of scales and had various numbers of tone fields. The versatility allows players to select an instrument that fits neatly with their musical style.
Sound Characteristics
Hang Drum Sound
Hang drums have a warm, melodic sound full of rich overtones. This design enables intricate harmonic frequencies to interact with each other, thus producing an ethereal and calming auditory sensation. The other Ding notes blend well with the central note, allowing users to present beautiful compositions during play. Bottom Gu port adds unique resonance / contributes to overall sound of the instrument
Handpan Sound
Because of their diverse build and tunings, handpans can produce a scale with more options for the sound. Sound quality varies among handpans based on the type of tuning system practiced by each manufacturer. There are different handpan scales, some major and minor as in Western music theory while others less common for example not compatible with any known set of notes. Beautiful handpan can sound both bright and exalted or deep and meditatative because of its tuning, which is related to the construction.
Buying Considerations
Handpan for Sale
When shopping around for a handpan that is up for sale, you need to take the manufacturer into account, along with type of jingle used and spacing on their scale or tone. Typically crafted by skilled artisans, high-end handpans are hard to tune properly since fine-tuning is a time-consuming and costly process. Because the instrument is popular, a lot of actual handpan builders have long wait lists and prices can vary greatly from very low tiered instruments to top notch made by experienced creators.
Hang Drum for Sale
It may seem impossible to buy a Hang drum since PANArt long stopped making the original hang in 2013. They are now rare and can sell for significant prices on the used-musical-instrument market. As a collector or musician looking for an original Hang drum, one has to be careful in spotting fakes and make sure that they buy from registered distributors. The rarity, but also the historical importance of Hang drum adds to its value and appeal.
Choosing the Right Instrument
Musical Goals and Preferences
Hang Drum: If you are particularly attracted by the unique sound and historical value of an authentic Hang drum, buying a second-hand handpan would make sense. Meditation & Melodic Style - Perfect match is the consistent tuning of The Hang and combined with rich harmonics you can use it here to great effect.
Handpan: Gives an even wider range of musical possibilities, with broader options for scales and sounds )] Between the different manufacturers and tuning styles, you are sure to find a handpan that is complementary with your musical endeavors.
Budget Considerations
Since there are very few Hang drums, you can expect to pay a lot for one - as much as $5-10k or more. Not to mention, if you are on a limited budget... maybe starting with the handpan would be less investing.
Handpan: Handpans are available at various prices, starting from $1,000 to about $4,000 for the high-end instruments. Handpans- entry level options: Entry-level handpans are much more reasonably priced and still can sound amazing with great playability.
Contingency and Availability
Hang Drum: Procuring a hang drum is totally worth the hard work and effort that you put in as there are not many being produced on a regular basis now which immediately raises its price. As such, prospective buyers typically look to turn either the second-hand market or suitable auction site and/or network within the handpan community by means of notices for original offers.
Handpan: The handpan market is more approachable to the average buyer with several reputable makers offering instruments for sale. By researching and connecting with makers via their websites, social media channels or by attending handpan festivals you can find the perfect Handpan for your requirements.
Maintenance and Care
Hang drums and handpans both need to be cared for correctly in order to keep them sounding good over the long term. Some preventative maintenance tips are:
Regular Cleaning
After use, wipe the instrument with a dry cloth to remove oils as well as fingerprints and moisture. This prevents the rust and corrosion on steel handpans, like untreated or nitrided ones.
Keep your instrument in a dry and cool place, out of direct sunlight or extreme temperatures When it is not in use or moving, keep it safe using a padded case.
Avoiding Damage
Take care of your instrument to prevent dents and scratches Do not put heavy items on it, and do not use sharp or rough to the touch materials.
Professional Maintenance
At regular intervals get it checked by a professional in your city, who can retune the handpan to keep its best condition. This is further with regards to the above point, but if you notice any change in sound quality this is even more important.
Hang drums and handpans are fascinating instruments that bring with them their own special musical signature. Although they look similar and sound similarly, their roots differ,as do build quality options. Learning about the difference can make it easier to choose if you are searching for a hang drum or handpan for sale.
Whether you are intrigued by the Hang drum's historical beginnings or excited about everything that can be accomplished with a handpan, both are quite simply two of the most luxurious rides in melodic percussion. Thinking about what you want out of music, how much money you have available to support this interest and the kind of time that can be dedicated will allow for a better decision on finding an instrument which suits your needs. Keep in mind, the real magic of playing these instruments isn't just the sound they produce; it is that connection between you and your music.