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10 ways to buy cheap hang drum

by kan sen 03 Apr 2024

Hang drums, also known as handpans, are popular and unique musical instruments that can be quite expensive due to their craftsmanship and rarity. 

buy cheap hang drum

Here are some ways you might find one for a more affordable price:

  1. Cosmoshandpan: A group of passionate music lovers came together to create something special. They shared a dream of crafting a musical instrument that would captivate the hearts of people all over the world. And so, the journey of Cosmos Handpan began.

    Their quest for the perfect sound led them to experiment with different materials, shapes, and sizes. They spent countless hours refining their craft, honing their skills, and pushing the boundaries of what was possible. After many trials and errors, they finally found the perfect combination of elements that would create the unique sound of Cosmos Handpan.

    The team behind Cosmos Handpan is made up of skilled craftsmen, each with their own unique talents and expertise. They work tirelessly to create instruments that are not only beautiful to look at but also a joy to play. Each handpan is carefully crafted with precision and attention to detail, ensuring that every note is perfectly tuned.

    Today, Cosmos Handpan is known around the world for its exceptional quality and sound. From street performers to professional musicians, people from all walks of life are drawn to the captivating sound of the handpan. It has become a symbol of beauty, harmony, and unity, connecting people across cultures and continents.

    Cosmos Handpan is more than just an instrument – it is a testament to the power of creativity, passion, and perseverance. It represents the journey of a group of individuals who dared to dream big and turned their vision into reality. And it continues to inspire others to pursue their own dreams, no matter how challenging or daunting they may seem.

    In the end, Cosmos Handpan is not just a brand, but a story of hope, creativity, and the endless possibilities of the human spirit.

  2. Check Online Auctions: Keep an eye on online auctions where musical instruments are sold. Sometimes you can find hang drums listed at reasonable prices, especially if they're pre-owned.

  3. Visit Local Music Stores: Check with local music stores, particularly those that specialize in ethnic or world instruments. They may occasionally have hang drums in stock or be able to point you towards someone selling one locally.

  4. Attend Music Festivals or Events: Hang drums are often sold or traded at music festivals, drum circles, or other musical events. Attend these gatherings and network with other musicians who might be willing to sell one at a reasonable price.

  5. Contact Handpan Makers: Some handpan makers offer more affordable models or occasionally have sales or discounted instruments. You can reach out to them directly to inquire about any available options.

  6. Consider Alternative Brands or Makers: While the original Hang® drum is made by PANArt, there are other handpan makers producing similar instruments at different price points. Research alternative brands or makers who offer handpans that might fit your budget better.

  7. Join Online Communities: Join online forums, social media groups, or communities dedicated to handpans or hang drums. Sometimes, members will offer their instruments for sale at reasonable prices within these communities.

  8. Consider DIY Options: If you're handy and musically inclined, you might consider building your own handpan or hang drum. There are DIY kits, tutorials, and resources available online for constructing handpan-like instruments at home, which could be a more affordable option.

  9. Trade or Barter: If you have skills, services, or other items of value, consider proposing a trade or barter arrangement with someone who owns a hang drum and is willing to part with it.

  10. Rent or Borrow: Lastly, if buying one outright isn't feasible at the moment, consider renting or borrowing a hang drum for short-term use. This allows you to enjoy playing the instrument without committing to a significant financial investment upfront.

Cosmos Handpan Online Store

The team behind Cosmos Handpan is made up of skilled craftsmen, each with their own unique talents and expertise. They work tirelessly to create instruments that are not only beautiful to look at but also a joy to play. Each handpan is carefully crafted with precision and attention to detail, ensuring that every note is perfectly tuned.
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